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Hungry Caterpillar Project Presentation


This week we have been perfecting our performance of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We have a narrator, who is doing a very good job at retelling the story in his own words. We also have ‘days of the week’ who give their corresponding meals to the caterpillar. And, of course, we have a caterpillar! He is very hungry and munches food each day until he gets quite big. He then makes a cocoon and the next day, out comes a butterfly! We also have a student who will be the ‘butterfly’ and then everyone else will join to be butterfly friends with her. We hope it goes well.


This week in the Primary classes have been busy finishing off work, preparing for project presentations as well as continuing our class work. On Tuesday, we went to visit the local theater to view a presentation of Hansel and Gretel in English. It was a lot of fun, with audience interactions and songs. We joined other local schools from the Llinears area.

For Topic we have begun looking at boats, comparing the old with the modern as well as their different purposes. In Literacy we have been writing our presentations and writing up neat versions of last week’s work.

In Mathematics this week, we have been continuing our work in the field of measurement. Many of us worked with a partner to measure different body parts, like our arms and legs, using a measuring tape as well as estimating lengths in appropriate units (mm, cm, m, km).

During sport this week, we focused on cooperative play games based on movement. Students had a lot of fun pushing their personal limits in terms of fitness. While in Science, we have been revising our topic of Look! Listen!



In English Literature we looked at a poem by the welsh poet Dylan Thomas. We explored the author’s life as well as the motifs of the poem Do No Got Gentle into that Good Night, by looking at the similes, metaphors and repetitions. In English Language we had an end-of-unit written assessment and then we moved on to a class discussion of cyberbullying, following a related reading comprehension.


At Geometry they have learned that Triangles and Quadrilaterals are polygons of three and and four sides, resp. And that the Polygons are named depending on the amount of sides: pentagon, hexagon, heptagon...Group 3 & 4 have learned that we can calculate the total internal angle, and therefore the respective exterior angle.

At arimethics, Group has been doing multiplications, Group 2 has finished the Chapter about Statistics, now they know the concepts of Mean, Range, Mediane & Mode. Group 3 has been doing Equations and Formulae, and Group 4 has started drawing graphs of proportional quantities.


From different types of Energy they have learned to do Energy Diagrams to visualize how the Energy is transferred.This Energy is the same in the beginning and in the end, not being destroyed, not being created: this is called the "Law of Conservation of Energy".


They have learned about a third type of Rock, the Metamorphic Rock, how it is formed in the Earth Crust from the other ones (Sedimentary and Igneous Rocks) at certain conditions of temperature and pressure. By doing observations: visual, water drop we can distinguish between the different types of Rock.


We have finished the chapter about Food Chains and Food Webs. We have seen how when one of the animals disappears it affects to the rest of the Web, and that some animals, like krills better that they do not diappear. We have started a new Chapter defining what is a Species: they can breed and have fertile offspring, and how sometimes different species can breed and have offspring, then it is called a Hybrid but is normally Infertile.


This week we had an exam about the different units we have been learning during this term: types of maps, grid references, measuring distances, countries and capitals, compass points, Ordnance Survey maps, world heritage, contour lines and Earth coordinates.


We’ve learnt what happened in America on 12th October 1492, when Christopher Columbus arrived for the first time to the continent. We also talked about the views of this New World from the European perspective. Furthermore, we learnt about the Moche Culture, an old civilization from the coast of Peru. As we were a team of archaeologists, we asked ourselves what information we can obtain from the tomb of Lord of Sipán, which could help us understand this ancient culture.

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