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The anatomy of life!


This week we have had some wonderful moments together. We enjoyed visiting the library and playing in the train at the playground in the town. We noticed the colours of the cars along the way and counted them. When we arrived back to school, we made trains and cars from reusable materials and played with them together. The children enjoy making cakes from playdough and singing, ‘Happy Birthday’ to each other. So we now have a Numeracy activity where the children make the correct number of candles for a cake from playdough. In Topic Time, we listened to the Diwali story of Rama and Sita. The children then made masks to act out the characters, which they really enjoyed. We are also developing our gross motor skills such as balancing, rolling and stretching in gymnastics for PE. We are now creating a ‘Winter Table’ in our Season Corner as will start to explore Winter and know what to look out for next month!


This week in English we have been working on vocabulary and spelling related to clothing and learning the words to some Christmas carols.

In Mathematics, students have been consolidating their knowledge of partitioning numbers. Students have been working with numbers into the millions as well as identifying specific digit values. We’ve also been able to introduce some additional maths games into our weekly routines to encourage further learning and self-testing of skills learnt throughout the term.

We were also lucky to visit the Human Bodies exhibition in Barcelona on Thursday with many students showing a lot of curiosity towards their own skeletal and muscle systems linking in with our ‘Topic’ work over the last few weeks. We were also lucky to visit the Fire Station in Barcelona while we were in town, having a chance to sit in the driver’s seat of one of the large fire engines.


In English this week we have been developing skills for peer and self feedback, helping us to reflect critically yet positively on our peers’ and our own written work. In Sciene we have been learning about our bodies and getting ready for a fantastic visit at the "Human bodies exposition" in Barcelona.

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