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Bear hunt

Day 2 of our animal-tastic week began with us refreshing what our little monkeys had learnt on the first day!

Our baby monkeys went on an exciting adventure into the wilderness of Granja Escola on a bear hunt! Although this species is rarely sighted in Catalonia, they managed to spot 56! Wow! After their treacherous trek around the farm they enjoyed a relaxing read of their books and a calming story time with Cat and Georgia.

Our chimpanzees always start their mornings swinging from the trees and rolling around the trampoline with their friends until the whole class has arrived! Now that they have all been introduced to our resident farm animals, Jo and Mahsa sent them on a mission to count how many of each species we had! Some counted up to 40 chickens! However I think maybe some were counted twice…

Over the past week the baking between each class has become some what of a competition! Today Alex and Jakubs group were determined to win this time! With so much effort put in by everyone in making the chocolate chip biscuits, luckily we were all winners today! Well done.

Today in the vegetable garden we all took turns in carefully planting some new pepper plants, which we look forward to seeing how they are growing each day!

Our older Silverback Gorillas were challenged to animal hangman and then discovered which animals produce the different types of food we eat everyday. They also practiced their pronunciation of counting in 10’s in English. They are really improving!

Finally we finished the with the most important part of the day by sampling the homemade baked goods!! Delicious!!


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