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Back bridge

Today we have had a very enthusiastic and active group. We put lots of effort in and finished off with some great things to show!

When we first started to arrive, it was decided that every single plant in the vegetable patch needed water. As a team we spread out across the garden and started watering. Everyone had a watering can and put them to good use! Jordi has become super fast at watering, as has Guillem, they are both very efficient farmers. We were also very pleased to see that we now have over forty artichokes. This is amazing as it almost double what we had a week and a half ago. We can’t wait to try them. Alex and Marc pulled out two lovely cabbages, along with some help from others, Judit cut some spinach, and once we had collected some weeds for the animals we were ready to move on!

Peril had been shouting us, letting us know she could see us picking her food, so we hurried over to give the donkeys and ponies some snacks. Valentin came running over, and Maria and Aina made sure he had plenty of leaves. We also collected ten eggs, counted by Sergi and Luca. Luca also found a worm and gave it to the chickens! Theo has become great friends with one of the chickens, who was very happy to be held and stroked by him, he really set a good example to others of how to treat animals well. Jordi prepared some food for the goats and sheep, and we all wondered up to visit them. Floc had a great time playing back bridge, he has such a great spring in his step that he is jumping higher than ever!

We are continuing the windows theme today, which meant that we were making our lovely window scenes. Sara made some magnificent mountains, and everyone made unique and interesting scenes, just like the book we read about what exciting things can be seen through windows.

The rest of our energy today was put into a brilliant bake of some sweet pizzas and a game of football, as well as some jumping and climbing. Aleix really showed us how far he can throw a rugby ball, too!

Another fantastic Thursday, great work by everyone! And goodbye from Josh, who is moving on and has really enjoyed working with every single fantastic farmer since they’ve started, whether it was Summer, Winter or Farm school! All the best!


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