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Climbing trees

We started today by digging up all the weeds next to the garlic! The garlic has started to grow really tall and all the children enjoyed counting how many green shoots there were. After, we went to see the radish, we were trying to find the biggest radish but it was really difficult! The children made sure all the vegetables on the farm were watered so they will grow nice and big. The children also took it in turns to pull one leek from the soil, they had to pull really hard! Maria pulled the leaves and there were 3 leeks attached!

Whilst walking to the animals the children collected lots and lots weeds to give to the donkeys and ponies! Perla and Valentine enjoyed being stroked by all the children and loved eating all the food! The children decided to run to the sheep and goats to burn off some energy and sing ´Jingle Bells´. They sang really load, especially Judit and Sara. Also, Julia managed to catch a sheep so all the other children could the sheep and feel how soft and fluffy it was!

Before we made pizza, the children had a quick play outside. Jordi, Guillem, Maria and Elsa jumped really high and the others climbed tree! They took it in turns to climb up the trunk of the tree, the children were all really good climbers! After, we all started to make pizza! They rolled their pizza and added a selection of toppings. Some added sweetcorn, cheese, olives and fuet, they looked really yummy.

Whilst the pizzas were cooking, it was time to draw some animals by drawing round some bowels and plates. Before we started drawing, the children were asked what colour the bowels and plates were. They were fantastic at remembering the colours in English! After, they started cutting, painting, sticking and gluing eyes to make the pig and duck. They were all fantastic!

When we finished our drawings, we went and looked at our pizzas. They all looked and tasted really yummy. This was such a nice way to end the day!


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