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Green beans

The biggest part of todays morning, although we are in day four of monster week, was planting a whole new crop of green beans in the garden.

Everyone helped by digging the holes, watering the soil, and most importantly, carefully planting a few seeds each. We all learnt how to grow our own beans and will some day soon be seeing the benefits during lunch!

After the hard work at the farm, monster madness continued. One group continued with some arts and crafts, including the crazy egg shell creatures, whilst others went to see the animals and did some colouring in. We had some new friends today, Boi and Vilma, and they liked seeing the goats, sheep and stroking the chicks (once they realised the chicks are very friendly!). Julia and Luca helped them to find some nice chicks to look at, and Marti searched for eggs, finding four to add to the basket for our wonderful lunch.

At Casa Nostra there is plenty to play on and explore, and the children made the most of it today. We climbed, swang, bounced and boinged, rode bikes and tractors, and around all this made some more great creations. Joanne had a great mask made, which is now drying to be painted tomorrow. Others made some really whacky paintings of scary monsters, using glitters and paints as well as some very fine drawing skills.

Today was such a hot day that one of the main active periods was spent in the pool- the older ones went in the big pool whilst the younger set happily played in their pool. It was a great way to cool off!

The afternoon saw story time in the castle, as well as another story time on the grass. The children picked their favourite books from the library. Toy story was a favourite, as was the Gruffallo!

There was so much playing and creating today that you might worry everyone would be tired out for tomorrow, however we all know everyone will be back with more ideas and fun than ever!


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